28 April, 2010


* Application *
1.The name of the organisation
[TokyoHackerSpace] (THS)

2.Title of the Project
[ Don't try this at home - that's what THS is for. ]

3.What we're going to do (Presentation slots are now full)
[Presentation in the booth, workshop, demonstration]

4.Intro of the presentation, dmonstration, etc. (100-300 letters - not words)
1. A demonstration space which will showcase THS projects such as The
Brain Machine, THS digital signage, Electronic whiteboard(Wii controller)

2. A workshop space where people can make one of 3 or 4 projects and
take it away with them.

Each project will take approx. 20 - 30 minutes and aim to introduce
people to basic skills such as soldering. For example the THS
microcontroller learning boards will show how to solder, and the basic
components of a board.

3. A promotional space where people can pick up information about THS
and Make, and purchase kits.

5.Some photos/videos can be used on their website
Brain Machine workshop at THS

6.URLs for the website, projects

9. space
[Ok to leave this empty]

10. How many people will attend from the organisation -
Chairs will be prepared based on this number
[Our volunteers will be 10 or less each day. Regards the number of the chair, we'd like to have 6 for workshops, 5 for Brain Machine demo, 3 for the guest speakers]

11. Are there any other organisations we want to be located next to?
maybe collaboration purposes.

12. Brightness and sounds of the booth requirement.
[ TBC ]

13. What equipment we will bring in to MAKE
[5 soldering irons, 2 projectors, 4 laptops, some speakers. Possibly air compressor.]

14 required power
[Similar to previous Mitch's booth. for instance 15 sockets, etc.]

15. How to carry the stuff in? If we want to use a car, need to tell
them in advance to secure a parking
[ No cars.]
If possible, we'd like to have a wall as a screen (projectors)

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